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- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Microsoft Microsoft Chat README
- March 1997
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- (c) Copyright Microsoft Corporation, 1997
- This document provides information to supplement the Microsoft Chat Web
- page. The Frequently Asked Questions section on the Web contains more
- up-to-date information. You can access this Web page by clicking the
- Help menu, clicking Microsoft On The Web, and then clicking Frequently
- Asked Questions.
- ------------------------
- How to Use This Document
- ------------------------
- To view Readme.txt on screen in Notepad, maximize the Notepad window.
- To print Readme.txt, open it in Notepad or another word processor, and
- then use the Print command on the File menu.
- --------
- --------
- 1. Supported Configurations/Platforms
- 2. Connecting to Other IRC Chat Rooms
- 3. Frequently Asked Questions
- 4. Product Support Within the United States and Canada
- Microsoft Technical Support
- Microsoft Technical Support Information Services
- Microsoft Technical Support Standard
- Microsoft Technical Support Priority
- Text Telephone
- 5. Product Support Worldwide
- Microsoft TechNet, Technical Information Network
- -------------------------------------
- 1. Supported Configurations/Platforms
- -------------------------------------
- Microsoft Chat currently runs under Windows 95 and Windows NT 4.0.
- Microsoft Chat requires the following minimum configuration:
- - A 486 processor
- - 8 MB of RAM
- - 256-color video
- - A 9600-baud modem
- -------------------------------------
- 2. Connecting to Other IRC Chat Rooms
- -------------------------------------
- If you want to connect to an IRC chat server that you already know
- about, expand the Connect dialog box, and then type the server address
- and channel name--for example, you might type the following:
- Comicsrv1.Microsoft.com, #Comic_Chat.
- Microsoft Chat servers currently support the following channels:
- comicsrv1.microsoft.com, #Comic_Chat
- comicsrv1.microsoft.com, #Comic_Help
- comicsrv1.microsoft.com, #Newbies
- comicsrv1.microsoft.com, #Pet_Chat
- comicsrv1.microsoft.com, #Sports_Chat
- comicsrv2.microsoft.com, #Family_Chat
- comicsrv2.microsoft.com, #Internet_Chat
- comicsrv2.microsoft.com, #Politics_Chat
- comicsrv2.microsoft.com, #Singles_Chat
- -----------------------------
- 3. Frequently Asked Questions
- -----------------------------
- Q. Will you be updating Microsoft Chat?
- A. We will update our Web site frequently. To view the updates, click
- the Help menu, click Microsoft On The Web, and then click Free Stuff.
- Q. How do I connect to other IRC chat rooms or channels?
- A. If you want to connect to an IRC chat room or channel that you
- already know about, carry out the following steps:
- 1. If you are running with Internet Explorer 3.0, click the File
- menu, and then click New Window.
- Otherwise, you can just click New Connection.
- 2. In the Connect dialog box, type the following information:
- - In the Server box, type the IRC server name.
- The default entry is ComicSrv1.Microsoft.com.
- Replace this with the IRC server you want to connect to.
- - In the Chat room box, type the chat room name, preceded by a
- number sign (#).
- The default channel name is #Comic_Chat.
- Q. How can I tell which version of Microsoft Chat I am running?
- A. If you are running Microsoft Chat outside of Internet Explorer, click
- the Help menu, and then click About Microsoft Chat. The version number
- is listed at the top of the box. From within Internet Explorer, you can
- click the Help menu, click Microsoft Chat Help, and then click About
- Microsoft Chat.
- Q. Why can't I get access to any Microsoft Chat or IRC chat rooms?
- A. If you are accessing the Internet from your corporate network, you
- will be able to download the Microsoft Chat program; however, most
- corporate proxy servers limit access to chat rooms. If you have any
- questions, please contact your system administrator or use a dial-up
- analog or ISDN line to access the Internet.
- Q. Can I create my own comic characters?
- A. At this time you can use only the characters supplied with Microsoft
- Chat. To open a Web page that contains additional characters you can
- download, click the Help menu, click Microsoft On The Web, and then
- click Free Stuff. We are working on a character-creation kit that will
- be available from the Free Stuff Web page in the second half of 1997.
- Q. Can I create my own backgrounds?
- A. Microsoft Chat supplies a limited number of backgrounds, but more will
- be added soon. Backgrounds are bitmap files, which you can create with
- any graphics package.
- Q. How does the emotion wheel (lower right corner) work?
- A. The emotion wheel enables you to manually change your character's
- emotions. The center of the emotion wheel is neutral emotion. Where
- there are multiple levels of emotion, the intensity of the emotion
- increases as the control moves away from the center.
- To see a tooltip describing each emotion, rest your mouse pointer over
- one of the eight faces around the perimeter of the emotion wheel. To
- change your character's emotions, drag the control (the dark dot in
- the center of the emotion wheel) from the center of the emotion wheel.
- Q. How can I tell characters apart when there are duplicate characters?
- A. Move your mouse pointer over the character and then pause. A tooltip
- appears that displays the user name and character.
- Q. How do I print?
- A. On the File menu, click Print, click Properties, and then click
- Graphics. Change the resolution to 150 or 300 bps. This will speed
- up printing and still provide high quality.
- Q. How big is Microsoft Chat to download?
- A. The program with its existing artwork is currently 1 MB compressed.
- Q. How much space does Microsoft Chat take up?
- A. The Microsoft Chat program with its existing artwork is currently 4 MB.
- Forthcoming artwork and character updates will increase this size.
- Q. Can I uninstall Microsoft Chat?
- A. Yes. To uninstall Microsoft Chat, carry out the following steps:
- 1. In Control Panel, double-click the Add/Remove Programs icon.
- 2. Click Microsoft Chat, and then follow the instructions on your
- screen.
- Q. Why does it say my ID is in use when I go to another chat room?
- A. Nicknames (IDs) must be unique. Your connection will be refused if:
- - You are already connected to a chat room on the server.
- - You recently disconnected and the server has not refreshed.
- - Someone else is using your nickname.
- To connect, you can either choose a new nickname or make sure that
- all Microsoft Chat clients have been closed and then wait a minute
- and reopen Microsoft Chat.
- Q. How do I get more panels across the screen?
- A. There are a few things you can try:
- - Increase your screen resolution. To do this, in Control Panel,
- double-click the Display icon, and then click the Settings tab.
- - Maximize the window.
- - Move the vertical splitter to the right to make the member list
- thinner.
- Once you have done this, click the View menu, and then choose the
- largest number of panels you can. Depending on your screen resolution
- and monitor size, you can select from one to four frames.
- Q. What is the difference between Microsoft Chat and IRC chat?
- A. Microsoft Chat is a graphical chat client that can be used like any
- text chat client on the IRC channel. Not everyone inside the channel
- (chat room) needs to be using Microsoft Chat for this to work. Text
- chat users will automatically be assigned a character, so the entire
- chat is graphically represented to the Microsoft Chat client user.
- NOTE: When you use Microsoft Chat on an IRC channel where most of
- the other users are using IRC text clients, it is a good idea
- to begin by clicking the Options menu and then selecting the
- Don't Send Microsoft Chat Specific Information check box. This
- will prevent special comics messages from being sent to the other
- chat clients. After you log off Microsoft Chat, the client will
- reset. The next time you log on, the check box is not selected.
- Q. Why do I get an "HTTP 1.0 / 404 Object Not Found" error from the
- chat room Web page?
- A. The names of the room files and the names of the channels on the server
- were changed. Your browser or Internet service provider may be caching
- the Web pages, and you are seeing the old page which links to files that
- no longer exist. To work around this problem, try refreshing the Web page
- or clearing the local cache if your browser caches the file.
- Q. How do I connect to comicsrv1.microsoft.com if I am using AOL as my
- Internet service provider?
- A. If you are using AOL to connect to the Internet, you will need to specify
- port number 7000 for the following comicsrv servers:
- - comicsrv1.microsoft.com
- - comicsrv2.microsoft.com
- - comicsrv3.microsoft.com
- To do this, in the Connect dialog box enter the server name followed by
- the port number--for example, comicsrv1.microsoft.com:7000. If this does
- not work, check the Frequently Asked Questions Web page for the latest
- information about this issue. You can view this Web page by clicking the
- Help menu, clicking Microsoft On The Web, and then clicking Frequently
- Asked Questions.
- Q. I click the hot links--such as http:, mailto:--in text mode, but nothing
- happens. Why does this work in comics mode but not in text mode?
- A. The hot links in text mode are dependent on the rich edit functions in
- Windows. Initially, the rich edit functions did not support the hot-link
- capability, but Windows NT and later versions of Windows 95 added this
- capability to rich edit. If you cannot use the hot links in text mode,
- you can always change to comics mode and use the hot links from there.
- Q. I have Comic Chat 1.0 on my computer, and after installing Microsoft
- Chat 2.0, I see a shortcut to Comic Chat 1.0. Is it safe to delete the
- shortcut to Comic Chat 1.0?
- A. If you installed Microsoft Chat 2.0 over Comic Chat 1.0, you might see
- Comic Chat 1.0 icons (as well as Microsoft Chat 2.0 icons) on the Start
- menu. You can safely delete the Comic Chat 1.0 icons; this will not
- affect the usability of Microsoft Chat 2.0. For more information, see
- the Microsoft Knowledge Base.
- Q. I have a previous version of Comic Chat on my computer. Should I
- uninstall Comic Chat before installing Microsoft Chat?
- A. We recommend that you uninstall any previous version of Comic Chat
- before installing Microsoft Chat 2.0. However if you did not uninstall
- Comic Chat before installing Microsoft Chat, you should not experience
- any problems with Microsoft Chat.
- -----------------------------------------------------
- 4.Product Support Within the United States and Canada
- -----------------------------------------------------
- Microsoft Technical Support
- ---------------------------
- In the event you have a technical question regarding Microsoft Chat version 2.0,
- please refer to the support offerings below. Microsoft's support offerings range
- from no-cost and low-cost online information services (available 24 hours a day,
- 7 days a week) to annual support plans.
- Microsoft support services are subject to Microsoft's then-current prices,
- terms, and conditions, which are subject to change without notice.
- Information Services
- Microsoft Technical Support Information Services provides you with easy access to the latest
- technical and support information for Microsoft products. You can access a
- variety of low and no cost Information Services 24 hours a day, 365 days a
- year.
- Internet services and The Microsoft Network (MSN): Access the Microsoft
- Frequently Asked Questions, Software Library, Knowledge Base, customer-to-
- customer newsgroups, and other technical information on the Internet and MSN.
- * On the World Wide Web and MSN, go to http://www.microsoft.com/support/
- * For FTP access, go to ftp://ftp.microsoft.com
- Microsoft TechNet: CD-ROM-based Microsoft TechNet is the front-line resource
- for fast complete answers to technical questions on Microsoft desktop and
- systems products. For more information or to subscribe to Microsoft TechNet,
- call (800) 344-2121.
- Microsoft Developer Network Library (MSDN): CD-ROM-based MSDN is the
- comprehensive source of programming information and toolkits for those who
- write applications for the Microsoft Windows, Windows 95, and Windows NT
- operating systems, or use Microsoft products for development purposes. For
- more information or to subscribe, call (800) 759-5474.
- Microsoft Download Service (MSDL): Direct modem access to a variety of
- technical information is available on MSDL by dialing (206) 936-6735. The
- service is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Connect information:
- 1200, 2400, 9600, or 14400 baud, no parity, 8 data bits, and 1 stop bit.
- Microsoft FastTips: This automated service provides quick answers to your
- common technical questions via an automated toll-free telephone number, fax,
- or mail. To access FastTips or to receive a map and catalog, call the
- following FastTips numbers:
- Desktop applications: (800) 936-4100
- Development products: (800) 936-4300
- Desktop Systems products: (800) 936-4200
- Business Systems: (800) 936-4400
- Microsoft Technical Support Standard
- ------------------------------------
- In the United States and Canada, no-charge support for Internet Explorer is available
- for customers who have purchased a Microsoft package that includes this product.
- This support may be used for the version that was included in the package as well
- as any upgrades. Support is provided for 90 days after you make your first call to a
- Microsoft Support Engineer.
- -In the United States, call (206) 635-7123 between 6:00 A.M and 6:00 P.M. Pacific time.
- -In Canada, call (905) 568-3503 between 8:00 A.M and 8:00 P.M. Eastern time.
- Both of these services are available Monday through Friday, excluding holidays.
- Note: If your Microsoft product was pre-installed or distributed with your PC or
- provided by an Internet Service Provider, the PC manufacturer or the an Internet
- Service Provider is responsible for providing your product support.
- Microsoft's fee-based Priority Support our Information Services are available
- regardless of how you obtained Internet Explorer.
- Microsoft Technical Support Priority
- ------------------------------------
- Microsoft Technical Support offers priority telephone access to Microsoft support
- engineers 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, excluding holidays, in the U.S. In
- Canada, the hours are from 6:00 A.M to midnight, 7 days a week, excluding
- holidays.
- * In the United States, call (900) 555-2000; $35 (U.S.) per incident. Charges
- appear on your telephone bill. Not available in Canada.
- * In the United States, call (800) 936-5700, at $35 (U.S.) per incident; in
- Canada, call (800) 668-7975, at $50 (CDN) per incident. These services are
- billed to your VISA, MasterCard, or American Express card.
- For more information about Priority support offerings, including annual
- contracts, call Microsoft Support Sales and Information at (800) 936-3500.
- --------------
- Text Telephone
- --------------
- Microsoft text telephone (TT/TDD) services are available for the deaf or hard-
- of-hearing. In the United States, using a TT/TDD modem, dial (206) 635-4948.
- In Canada, using a TT/TDD modem, dial (905) 568-9641.
- ----------------------------
- 5. Product Support Worldwide
- ----------------------------
- The following list contains Microsoft subsidiary offices and the countries
- they serve. If there is no Microsoft office in your country, please contact
- the establishment from which you purchased your Microsoft product. This list
- provides only basic technical support phone and fax numbers; other services
- such as BBS and sales numbers may be available. For additional subsidiary
- information, check the Product Support Services Worldwide section in online
- Help.
- When you call, you should be at your computer and have the appropriate product
- documentation at hand. Please follow the guidelines listed above under
- "Standard Support."
- Area Telephone Numbers
- -------------------------------------------------
- Argentina Microsoft de Argentina S.A.
- Technical Support: (54) (1) 314-0560
- Australia Microsoft Pty. Ltd.
- Technical Support: (61) (02) 870-2131
- Austria Microsoft Ges.m.b.H.
- Standard Support: Installation and Handling
- Windows: 0660-6510
- General information about the Microsoft
- support in Central Europe:
- Fax: 0049/2622/167006
- Belgium Microsoft NV
- Technical Support:
- +32-2-513 32 74 (Dutch-speaking)
- +32-2-502 34 32 (English-speaking)
- +32-2-513 22 68 (French-speaking)
- Bolivia
- See Argentina
- Brazil Microsoft Informatica Ltda.
- Technical Support: (55) (11) 871-0090
- Canada Microsoft Canada Inc.
- Microsoft Support Network:
- Standard Technical Support Phone:
- 1 (905) 568-3503
- Priority Support Information:
- 1 (800) 668-7975
- Text Telephone (TT/TDD):
- 1 (905) 568-9641
- Caribbean Microsoft Caribbean, Inc.
- Technical Support: (214) 714-9100
- Chile Microsoft Chile S.A.
- Personal Operating Systems
- Phone: 56-2-330-6222
- Colombia Microsoft Colombia
- Technical Support: (571) 618 2255
- Czech Republic Microsoft s.r.o.
- Technical Support Phone: (+42) (2) 2451 0554
- or 53 52 56 (Windows 95 only)
- Denmark Microsoft Denmark AS
- Technical Support: (45) (44) 89 01 11
- Dubai Microsoft Middle East
- Phone: (971) 4 513 888
- Ecuador Corporation Microsoft del Ecuador S.A.
- Technical Support: (593) (2) 463-094
- England
- See United Kingdom
- Finland Microsoft OY
- Product Support: (358) (90) 525 502 500
- For Technical Support, please contact your
- local dealer.
- France Microsoft France
- Technical Support: (33) (1) 69-86-10-20
- French Polynesia
- See France
- Germany Microsoft GmbH
- Standard Support: Installation and Handling
- Windows: 089-3176-1110
- Windows 95: 089-3176-1115
- General information about the Microsoft
- support in Central Europe:
- Fax: 02622/167006
- Greece Microsoft
- Phone: (30)(1) 6806-775
- Hong Kong Microsoft Hong Kong Ltd.
- Technical Support: (852) 2804-4222
- Hungary Microsoft Hungary
- Phone: (+36) (1) 267 4636
- Iceland
- See Denmark
- India Microsoft India
- Phone: (01) (91) 646 0694, 646 0767, 646 0813
- Indonesia Indonesia - Jakarta
- Technical Support:
- Phone: (6221) 572-1060
- Fax: (6221) 573-2077
- Ireland
- See United Kingdom
- Israel Microsoft Israel Ltd.
- Phone: 972-3-613-0833
- Italy Microsoft SpA
- Technical Support: (39) (2) 7039-8351
- Japan Microsoft Company Ltd.
- Technical Support: (81)(424) 41-8700
- Support Sales: 0120-37-0196
- Korea Microsoft CH
- Technical Support: (82)(2) 563-0054
- Latin America Microsoft Latin American Headquarters
- Technical Support: (214) 714-9100
- Liechtenstein
- See Switzerland (German-speaking)
- Luxembourg Microsoft NV
- Technical Support:
- +32-2-513 32 74 (Dutch-speaking)
- +32+2-502 34 32 (English-speaking)
- +32+2-513 22 68 (French-speaking)
- Malaysia Microsoft (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd
- (60-3) 793-9595
- Mexico Microsoft Mexico, S.A. de C.V.
- Technical Support:
- Operating Systems: (52) (5) 325-0912
- Netherlands Microsoft BV
- Technical Support:
- 023-5677877 (Dutch-speaking)
- 023-5677853 (English-speaking)
- New Zealand Microsoft New Zealand Ltd.
- Technical Support:
- Phone: 64 (9) 357-5575
- Northern Ireland
- See United Kingdom
- Norway Microsoft Norway AS
- Technical Support: (47) (22) 02 25 50
- Papua New Guinea
- See Australia
- Paraguay
- See Argentina
- Peru
- See Latin America
- Phillippines Phone: (632) 811-0062
- Technical Support:
- Phone: (632) 892-2295/2495
- Poland Microsoft Sp.z o.o.
- Technical Support: (+48) (2) 6216793,
- (+48) (71) 441357
- Portugal Microsoft, Lda.
- Technical Support: (351) 1 4409280, 81, 82, or 83
- Republic of China Microsoft Taiwan Corp.
- Technical Support: (886) (2) 508-9501
- Republic of Ireland
- See United Kingdom
- Russia Microsoft A/O
- Fax: (+7) (502) 224 50 45
- Scotland
- See United Kingdom
- Singapore Microsoft Singapore Pte Ltd.
- Technical Support:
- Phone: (65) 337-9946
- Slovenia/Slovenija Microsoft d.o.o
- Technical Support: +386 61 123 23 54,
- +386 64 331 020
- Slovak Republic Microsoft Slovakia s.r.o.
- Technical Support: (+42) (7) 312083
- South Africa Microsoft South Africa
- Technical Support
- (Toll Free): 0 802 11 11 04
- (Toll): (2) 11 445 0100
- Spain Microsoft Iberica SRL
- Technical Support: (34) (1) 807-9960
- Sweden Microsoft AB
- Product Support: (46) (0) 8-752 09 29
- Information about Technical Support:
- (46) (0) 8 752 09 29
- Switzerland Microsoft AG
- Phone: 01-839 61 11
- Technical Support (French-speaking):
- 022-738 96 88
- General information about the Microsoft
- support in Central Europe:
- Fax: 0049-2622-167006
- Thailand Microsoft Thailand Ltd.
- Technical Support:
- Phone: (662) 632-0360, 61, 62, 63
- Turkey Microsoft Turkey
- (90) 212 2585998
- United Kingdom Microsoft Ltd. Product Support Services
- Telephone Support:
- Personal Operating Systems:
- (01734) 271000
- Advanced Systems Support:
- (01734) 270007
- Microsoft Ltd.
- Phone: (01734) 271007
- Uruguay Technical Support: (598) (2) 77-4934
- Venezuela Corporation MS 90 de Venezuela S.A.
- Technical Support: (582) 265-4337
- Wales
- See United Kingdom
- Microsoft TechNet, Technical Information Network
- ------------------------------------------------
- Microsoft TechNet is the front-line resource for fast, complete answers to
- technical questions on Microsoft systems and desktop products. Information
- available on TechNet ranges from crucial data on client-server and workgroup
- computing, systems platforms, and database products, to the latest on support
- for Microsoft Windows- and Macintosh-based applications. As a TechNet user you
- receive:
- * Twelve monthly compact discs containing the Microsoft Knowledge Base,
- Microsoft operating systems product resource kits, customer solutions,
- key Microsoft conference session notes, and other valuable information
- * Twelve monthly supplemental (drivers and patches) compact discs
- containing the Microsoft Software Library
- * A dedicated Microsoft TechNet forum on CompuServe (GO TECHNET)
- * WinCIM, a Windows-based application for accessing CompuServe
- * A 20 percent discount on Microsoft Press books
- For more information about Microsoft TechNet, in the United States and Canada,
- call (800) 344-2121, between 7:00 A.M. and 7:00 P.M. Central time, Monday
- through Friday. Outside the U.S. and Canada, contact your Microsoft Subsidiary,
- or call (303) 684-0914.